
Space cooepration
In January, the KERC and the delegation the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) led by the First Vice Minister visited Paris to discuss international space cooperation ahead of the establishment of the Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA). There were meetings with the European Space Agency (ESA), the French Space Agency (CNES), a French start-up EXOTRAIL and a roundtable with Korean Scientists in France represented by Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France (ASCF). (Read More)

Research Career
On 27 January, the KERC and the Korean Embassy hosted a conference for Korean students at Ghent University to support the career development of young talents. As of today, there is an active Korean young talents community in Belgium led by the Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Belgium (KOSEAbe) and the KERC. Now there are many events throughout the year provide mentorship and exchanges for Korean young scientists. (Read More)

Quantum Technology
On 31 January, The Korea-Europe Quantum Science Technology Cooperation Center (KE-QSTCC) launched its advisory council. The KERC supported the establishment of the QSTCC in 2023 and now closely cooperating on the common issues. The new experts group composed of 13 Korean scientists from 10 different countries, led by a well-known quantum physicist KIM Myung-shik, will play a role of advising on international cooperation policies and projects in Quantum Science and Technology. The KERC is the board member of the QSTCC. (Read More)

On 6 February, the Chips Joint Undertaking launched a joint call with South Korea on semiconductor as part of the Korea-EU Digital Partnership. As a facilitator for digital partnership, the KERC increased awareness and supported matchmaking between Korean and European researchers for this dedicated call. (Read More1) (Read More2)

Research Cooperation
On 22 February, the 7th EU-Korea R&I Day was held in Seoul with a special focus on Korea's participation in Horizon Europe. More than 250 researchers from Korean universities, national institutes and industry attended 2024 edition. The KERC is a main player of Horizon Europe promotional activities for Korea. (Read More)

Brussels R&I Community
Starting from March 2024, the KERC became a member Science|Business Network to build stronger connection between Korea and Europe. With more than 70 international members, the Network offers a unique forum for research-driven organisations and provides a platform for members to voice their positions on Europe's policy agenda and to boost their engagement levels in EU R&I programmes. (Read More)

EU R&I Days
On March 20 and 21, the KERC attended the EU R&I Days 2024. This is the European Commission's annual flagship event for the discussion of the future of research and innovation in Europe. The KERC shared monitoring results to help Korean to better understand EU's main R&I related issues. (Read More)

Cooperation with the Netherlands
On 22 March, The KERC joined the delegation of the MSIT led by Minister LEE Jong-ho in their visit to the Netherlands where the MSIT and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands signed a MoU on Research and Science Cooperation. Following the signing of the MoU, the delegation visited Dutch research institutes such as Erasmus MC, TUe and ASML. (Read More)

Horizon Europe Association
On 25 March, Minister Lee Jong-Ho and EU Commissioner Iliana Ivanova met in Brussels and announced the conclusion of the negotiations for Korea's association to Horizon Europe. The KERC provided full support and advice throughout the entire process of the association. (Read More)

Korea-EU Digital Partnership
The KERC participated at the 1st EU-Korea Joint Researchers Forum on Semiconductors on 25~26 March. The forum provided a platform for matchmaking between Korean and European researchers for joint calls on semiconductor.
On 26 March, the KERC participated in the 2nd ROK-EU Digital Partnership Council. It highlighted main outcomes of last 9 months and set the new cooperation areas.

AI Act
On 15 April, the KERC attended the Korean Embassy's conference on EU's major economic issues. In particular, with the lead of Science Counsellor, participants discussed EU's new AI Act and its impact on Korea. Digital policy, including AI, is one of the main policy area covered by the KERC. (Read More)

Defence R&D
On 25 April, The KERC attended a roundtable on dual-use research organized by Science|Business. Reflecting the inputs collected from the event, the KERC published a short report on Europe's defense R&D. (Read More)

On 30 April, the KERC launched its new annual publication series. It analyses the European research and policy trends of 12 national strategic technologies. (Read More)

Horizon Europe
Starting from May 16, the Korean government launched a series of briefing sessions for domestic researchers to increase awareness of Horizon Europe. The KERC also engaged in various activities to raise awareness of Horizon Europe. (Read More)

Regional R&I
On 24 May, the KERC received a delegation from Gyeonggi-do, the most populous province in South Korea. We discussed net-zero policy, R&I for climate neutral and smart city development. On average, 2-3 organizations from Korea visit the KERC every month.

Strategic R&D Center
On 30 May, the MSIT announced that it will operate strategic R&D centers in U.S. and Europe to enhance global R&D collaborations. The KERC was selected as a strategic center in Europe to support Korean participation in Horizon Europe and coordinate common activities of other overseas R&D centers in Europe. This was the result of several months of discussion in which the KERC played major role. (Read More)

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
On 11 June, the KERC organized the second edition of online workshop on MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships. The workshop attracted great interest of Korean young researchers with more than 260 registrants confirmed. A new pitch session introduced three major European universities. (Read More)

The KERC Supporters
On June 22, the KERC held a launching ceremony of the first cohort of KERC supporters. It consists of 12 Korean young researchers from European countries who will cover Korea's 12 national strategic technologies(CETs). The group aims to provide information, connection and mentorship. (Read More)

Horizon Europe
In the last week of June, the KERC and the staffs at the MSIT held a in-depth seminar about Horizon Europe. DG RTD at European Commission provided intensive information session on the detailed process and the parts of the programme. (Read More)
Also they visited Ghent University to learn about its Horizon Europe supporting system and to discuss feasible cooperative activities. (Read More)
Publication and Media (2024.01~06)
- EU 연구경력 프로필 (R1~R4)
- [동영상] EU 호라이즌 유럽 5분만에 이해하기 [Korean]
- 한-유럽 양자과학기술협력센터 임시 페이지 개설 안내 – Korea-EU Research Centre (k-erc.eu)
- [KERC Issue Report] Horizon Europe 국가별 참여 현황 – 회원국, 준회원국, 한국의 참여
- 2024 KERC Brochure – Korea-EU Research Centre (k-erc.eu)
- 2024 유럽 연구혁신의 날(EU R&I Days) 참석 결과
- [About Europe 2024-01] 독일 과학기술 정책 및 R&D 현황
- [KERC Issue Report] EU 디지털 관련 정책 및 전략 현황 2024
- 호라이즌 유럽 내 이중용도 연구개발 통합 SB 라운드테이블 참석 결과
- 유럽 주요분야별 연구 및 정책 동향 2023
- [About Europe 2024-02] 프랑스 과학기술 정책 및 R&D 현황
- [KERC Issue Report] Erasmus+ 프로그램 개요 및 참여 방법
- Horizon Europe Tracker 페이지 발간 안내
- [How do EU do 2024-1] 유럽 연구보안 정책
- [KERC Issue Report] 호라이즌 유럽 전략 계획 2025-2027 – 전략계획, 공공 의견수렴 및 유럽 연구 커뮤니티
- [Publication] Horizon Europe Pillar 2 한국참여 프로젝트