Korea and the Netherlands to enhance research and science cooperation

On Friday, 22 March, The Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea and The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Research and Science Cooperation.

It follows the meeting between Korean and Dutch Ministers in last December where both sides agreed that there is a need to further expand science cooperation and decided to promptly pursue an agreement or a MoU on Science Cooperation.

The new MoU on Research and Science Cooperation will facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge and foster collaboration between organizations, agencies, and institutions in areas of mutual interest with a shared objective of addressing societal challenges, such as climate change and sustainability.

The MoU is expected to foster joint research programmes, create joint activities or exchanges of various kinds, and so on. To effectively implement the MoU, both sides will convene a Joint Committee Meeting on Research and Science every two years.

In addition to that, both sides emphasized collaboration through Horizon Europe, the European Union’s Research and Innovation Framework Programme, as the negotiation between Korea and the EU on Horizon Europe association is reaching its final stage.

Dutch Ministry welcomed the news, expressing their support for Korea’s participation in Horizon Europe. Cooperation with the Netherlands, one of the most successful participants in Horizon Europe, is expected to be of great help in Korea’s participation in Horizon projects.

Minister Lee Jong-ho said, “Considering that recent breakthroughs in science and technology were products of international joint research, it seems only natural and essential to work together with countries that can deliver powerful synergies and seek mutual development. (…) We anticipate that the MoU on Research and Science cooperation that we sign today will act as a catalyst to activate mutually beneficial collaboration between our two countries.”

Following the signing of the MoU, Korean Minister’s delegation visited Dutch research institutes such as Erasmus MC, the Eindhoven University of Technology and ASML. It was a good opportunity to exchange latest scientific development of both sides and review successful collaboration cases between two countries. Dutch researchers presented their excellent scientific advancement and emphasized their strong position in Horizon Europe programme. Korean ministry introduced their recent policy on semiconductor and international cooperation which targets foreign researchers.

Furthermore, Korea and the Netherlands will hold a 2024 ICT Dialogue next week to implement a MoU on ICT Cooperation signed last December between the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Netherlands.

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