Formal negotiations for the ROK to associate with the Horizon Europe has commenced

President of the European Council Charles Michel, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk Yeol, met in Seoul on 22 May for the 10th Summit between the European Union and the Republic of Korea and issued a joint statement. 

▶ Joint statement European Union - Republic of Korea Summit 2023

According to the joint statement, both sides agreed to establish a Strategic Dialogue at Foreign Ministerial level to enhance cooperation on global peace and security. In addition, both sides launched an EU-ROK Green partnership and an Administrative Arrangement on Health Emergency Preparedness and Response, commenced formal negotiations for the ROK to associate with the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, and will work towards the launch of negotiations on binding commitments on digital trade as both sides expand cooperation under the EU-ROK Digital Partnership.

In order to support R&I cooperation between Korea and the EU, The Korea-EU Research Centre(KERC) has been facilitating preparation of Korea's Association for the Horizon Europe and the implementation of the Korea-EU Digital Partnership. The KERC provides latest R&I policy trends and in-depth analysis of current S&T policy issue and legislation of the EU, and advice for policy cooperation.

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