The 14th Europe-Korea Conference on S&T (EKC 2022)

The 14th EKC will be held in Marseille, France from 19 - 22 July 2022. 

KERC is participating EKC presenting its new 'Horizon Europe Programme Application Guide' in order to increase awareness and enhance the participation of Korean researchers to Horizon Europe.

KERC will present its analysis on Korean participation and cooperation to European Framework Programme throughout the event. It will present its new brochure as well. KERC will be also running a booth where visitors can obtain further information such as KERC's service, Horizon Europe, and cooperation between Europe and Korea in research domain.


What is EKC?

EKC is an annual conference where scientists, engineers, government officials, industry executives, and policy-makers from Korea and Europe share expertise and ideas and develop networking and collaboration.

The aim of EKC 2022, as with previous EKC meetings, is to bring together Korean scientists and engineers in Europe and Korea working on new and novel frontiers and helping European scientists and engineers form links with Korean nationals.

The conference program includes forums, sessions, and workshops to cover broad areas of science and technology, including, but not limited, to science, engineering, technology, entrepreneurship, and science policy, and to deliver a broader view of the role of all those areas for the global society.


More information on EKC

For 14 years, Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC) has been the premiere conference for Korean and European engineers and scientists to present their recent achievements. Drawing participants from Korea and Europe, EKC seeks to develop new relationships, exchange knowledge & ideas and discuss recent progress and future trends in Science and Technology.

EKC provides numerous opportunities for attendees to develop friendship and exchange valuable knowledge and bright ideas. It is also an outstanding chance to meet and network with engineers and scientists from Korea and Europe.

EKC 2022, the 14th EKC, will be held in Marseille, France from 19 - 22 July 2022. It will be hosted by the Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France (ASCoF) together with the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) and eight other Korean Scientists and Engineers Associations in Europe which are in Germany (VeKNI), the UK (KSEAUK), Austria (KOSEAA), Finland (KOSES), Scandinavia (KSSEA), the Netherlands (KOSEANL), Switzerland (KSEAS), and Belgium (KOSEAbe).

Since its first successful start in 2008 in Heidelberg, Germany, EKC has been held annually in different European countries and has become the most important scientific and social event, bringing scientists and engineers from Europe and Korea together.


More information 

EKC 2022 website

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2024년도 한-EU 협력진흥사업 신규과제 공모 안내

과학기술정보통신부에서는 2024년도 한-EU 협력진흥사업 신규 과제를 다음과 같이 공모하오니 관심 있는 연구자의 많은 참여 바랍니다. 1. 사업목적 유럽 최대 다자간 연구혁신 프로그램인 Horizon Europe에 국내

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