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KERC's main achievements and activities in July 2022 - June 2023 (1 year)
The KERC provided 651 EU R&I news articles for Korean side during the last year. (323 policy trends, 113 research results, and 215 calls/reports/stats etc.)
By so far, there are more than 1,250 EU R&I posts in our web-database. (640+ policy trends, 330+ research results, 250+ calls/reports/stats etc.)
The KERC publishes weekly newsletters on R&I trends for both Korea and Europe. The total number of subscribers is more than 1,000.
The KERC reformed its website in order to better provide its service and information. Also, we published two new webpages on Horizon Europe and the Korea-EU Digital Partnership.
The KERC launched a new mailing service exclusively for Korean government/funding agency/research institute officials in July 2022. It summarizes highlights of the R&I issues of each week in one page. We sent out 48 weekly reports to 45 officials last year.
This new publication complements the EU R&I weekly report and newsletter "what's new in Europe?". It puts together all the EU R&I news in one pdf file. Launched at the end of October 2022, we sent out 36 volumes by June 2023.
This year, our Issue Report mainly focused on European Digital Policy, NCP system and research assessment reformation.
It covers science-society related issues in Europe. The subject of this year's edition was European Digital Policy for Children.
In 2023, the KERC published its first Factsheet. It explains EU's R&I policy in a easy-to-understand way in one single page.
In 2023, the KERC launched new initiative called 'About Europe'. It explores S&T policy and R&D trends of major European countries.
In order to facilitate Korean participation in Horizon Europe, the KERC published the HE programme application guide book.
The KERC organized more than 21 internal seminars in collaboration with european organizations in order to increase awareness and knowledge on R&I environment in Europe.
The KERC participated in various networking activities such as meeting, seminar, workshop, conference, NCP training, info-day, forum and etc.
The KERC works closely with relevant Korean organizations in Europe such as KIAT, KIC, KIST, KOTRA, KBA and etc.
The KERC and EURAXESS signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the promotion of Korea-EU researcher exchanges, career development and R&I Cooperation
Every month, the KERC provides information on Funding & Job opportunities in Europe for young Korean researchers.
The KERC provided tailored response for both sides' inquiries on Korea-EU R&I cooperation.
In addition to providing information and connection, the KERC also coordinated and supported Korean institutes' collaboration with European partners at place.
The KERC held its first Youth Forum to support young Korean researchers to develop their research career in European countries. It attracted more than 30 Korean students in STEM field across the Belgium.
Commissioned by Korean government the KERC is managing the establishment of new Korea/Europe QSTCC in Brussels.
The KERC held 6 seminars last year including Youth Forum, HE Info-day, NCP webinar, Korea-EU Joint programme seminar etc.
The KERC also participated in relevant events as a session speaker to raise awareness of Korea-EU R&I Cooperation and the activities of the KERC.
The KERC organized 5 roundtables with Korean researchers in European countries in order to discuss better way to support them.
As a liaison centre at the heart of the EU, The KERC supported the MSIT and the NRF in policy cooperation with EU and MS bodies.
The KERC supported the Korean government on Horizon Europe Association. The KERC provided extensive analysis and report on Horizon Europe.
The KERC supported the Korean government on the Digital Partnership with the EU by building a European digital policy library and provide relevant analysis report on it.
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