Austria-Korea Bio and Medical Technology Cooperation Workshop

The Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Austria (KOSEAA) is pleased to announce the Austria-Korea Bio and Medical Technology Cooperation Workshop on November 25, 2024 in a hybrid form.

  • Time: Monday, November 25, 2024,
    • 9:00 am - 12:40 pm (Central European Time)
    • 5:00 pm - 8:40 pm (Korean Standard Time)  
  • Venue: Biologiezentrum / Online (provide address or link when registering)

The workshop will promote cooperation between Austria and Korea in the field of life sciences and medical technology, fostering the development of innovative technologies and mutual understanding. This workshop is an important opportunity for researchers, companies and experts from both countries to come together to share experiences and discuss possibilities for future collaboration. It will also be a fruitful time for in-depth discussions on the field and practical ways to cooperate.

We invited the Korean and Austrian Experts who will present their areas of expertise and explore opportunities for collaboration in bio and medical technology.


The full program is available on KOSEAA website : The Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Austria


SOURCE : The Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Austria

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