The 1st EU-South Korea Joint Researchers Forum on Semiconductors

In June 2023, South Korea and the European Commission established the Korea-EU Digital Partnership to enhance cooperation and economic resilience in the digital realm.

As part of efforts to strengthen ties, both parties will convene the inaugural South Korea-EU Semiconductor Researchers Forum in Brussels on March 25-26, 2024.

This forum will start with a welcome note from the Minister of Sciences and ICT of South Korea, Mr Lee Jong Ho.

Mrs Lucilla Sioli, Director of CONNECT A, will also inaugurate the opening the event with Mr Jari Kinaret, Director of Chips JU.

The two days will be structured as followed:

  • Policy Session
  • Session 1 – Advanced Functionalities / Heterogeneous Integration & Packaging
  • Session 2 – Advanced logic and memories / Neuromorphic computing
  • Young researcher session
  • Poster session


For more information : EU-South Korea Joint Researchers Forum on Semiconductors - ICOS Semiconductors (

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