KERC launches the first KERC Supporters

On Saturday, 22 June, the Korea-EU Research Centre (KERC) held a launching ceremony of the first KERC supporters.

The KERC supporters consists of 12 Korean researchers from European countries, covering Korea’s 12 Critical & Emerging Technologies(CETs) such as semiconductor & display, advanced biotech, next-generation nuclear energy, aerospace & marine, quantum, AI and etc.

The group aims to provide latest information on policy and research trends in their respective scientific field and country, promote Korea’s science and technology and cooperation with Europe, and support path-finding and mentoring activities for young Korean researchers.

Prior to the launching ceremony, several information sessions were organized to introduce latest activities of the KERC, the development of national and international R&D policies in Korea, and state of play of Korea-EU research cooperation programme such as Horizon Europe and Eureka. In the main session, supporters introduced themselves along with the launching ceremony.

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