The Norwegian embassy in Korea hosted its first research networking event in Seoul

The Norwegian Embassy in Seoul, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education & Research and the Research Council of Norway, hosted its first research networking event on 6th and 7th of November. 


The embassy is excited to have put on this interactive event to promote collaboration within science and academia between South Korea and Norway, in line with the PANORAMA-strategy.

(*In 2021, the Norwegian government made South Korea one of its key focal countries under its Panorama Strategy)

Researchers and representatives from funding agencies and the private sector all contributed into making this event come to life. Many travelled from around Korea, and several travelled all the way from Norway to participate.

Together they worked on identifying new opportunities for closer cooperation within research and higher education.

Researchers from both countries gave presentations about ongoing research and engaged in workshop discussions. They got insight into existing projects within the fields of offshore wind, circular (bio) economy and quantum computing – fields of great importance for both countries, as well as important fields for the future! They also heard from Norwegian and Korean research funding agencies and learned about future grants and funding opportunities.

The representative of the embassy said “It’s our hope that all participants are left with new knowledge, inspiration and motivation for developing interesting ideas, a broadened network and a good starting point for engaging in new (and more) Norwegian-Korean partnerships and research collaboration.”

If you are interested in learning about research and academic collaboration between Norway and South Korea, please reach out to Mrs. Christine Mee Lee (PhD), who is the counsellor for research, innovation and higher education at the Norwegian embassy in Seoul.

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