유럽과학저널(ESJ)은 지난 7월 31일 'European Scientific Journal(유럽과학학술지)' 7월호를 발간하였다. 이번 호는 자연과학, 인문학, 사회과학 세 분야에 걸쳐 총 42개의 연구결과를 담고있다.
ESJ는 오픈액세스(Open-Access) 학술지로 동료평가된 논문을 영어, 스페인어, 프랑스어로 매월 출간한다. 학술지는 다음과 같은 세 개의 부분으로 구성되어있다.
ESJ Natural/Life/Medical Sciences
- Astronomy
- Agriculture
- Management
- Biology, medicine, life sciences
- Chemistry, physics, and mathematics
ESJ Humanities
- Anthropology and archeology
- Linguistics, literature, classics, and history
- Law and politics
- Geography
- Philosophy, religion
- Performing arts, visual arts, gender studies
ESJ Social Sciences
- Communication studies
- Economics and econometrics
- Management
- Education, psychology, and sociology
- Marketing, business, business administration, and management
- Caractérisation phytosociologique des anciens sites de traitements sylvicoles et de la réserve naturelle dans le parc national du Banco (Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Patients with Low Back Pains and its Associations with Demographic Variables and Body Mass Index in Onitsha Nigeria
- Dental Approach to the Hypertensive Patient: Literature Review
- Effet comparé de la fertilisation à base de biochar, engrais organique et engrais chimique sur les éléments minéraux et la production de l’oignon (Allium cepa L.)
- Evaluación del posicionamiento preciso a través de los receptores GPS LEA-6T, NEO-M8T y ZED-F9P de bajo costo
- Pollution de l’air et comportement à risque des employés de boulangerie à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
- Modélisation de l’écoulement des eaux souterraines de l’aquifères quaternaire des palmeraies de Figuig et des plaines de Tisserfine, El Arja (Haut Atlas Oriental, Maroc)
- Aspects Épidémiologiques, Cliniques Et Histologiques Du Cancer De L’estomac Au CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako (Mali)
- Survivance de la Riziculture Pluviale dans le Departement De Bouake : Des Anomalies Pluviometriques a L’adaptation Paysanne
- Effet du mode de semis et de la couleur des accessions d’anacardier (Anacardium occidentale L.) sur le rendement en noix au Nord-Est du Bénin
- Premier Inventaire des Macroinvertebres Aquatiques de Quelques Petits Barrages du Centre et du Nord de la Cote d'Ivoire
- Les facteurs anthropiques de la dégradation des mangroves d’Angondjé, Okala et Mikolongo au nord du Grand Libreville
- Evaluation de la qualité botanique, physicochimique, phytochimique et de l’activité anti-radicalaire de la pulpe de fruits des échantillons de Ziziphus mauritiana Lam (Rhamnaceae), récoltés au Mali
- Habitudes Alimentaires au Niger : Cartographie des Recettes Culinaires des Ménages
- Use of GIS as a Tool for Integrated Water Resources Management in the City of Parakou, Benin
- Serbia and France: the special relationship?
- Well-being and climate change: Evidence for Portugal
- The Interaction between Virtual Reality Glasses Tracking Types and Cognitive Style to Develop English Vocabulary Skills and Immersion among Primary Stages Pupils with Learning Difficulties
- The Foreign Policy of Donald Trump’s Administration in Transcaucasia
- Etude qualitative de la relation entre les Pratiques de Management du Capital Humain et l’Engagement Organisationnel : cas des Professionnels de la Santé Publique
- Politiques et Pratiques Foncières et Engagement des Jeunes dans la Production de l’igname (dioscorea spp) en République du Bénin
- Analyse des Facteurs Influençant les Contributions des Populations Rurales Camerounaises au Developpement Local
- Perturbation des fréquentations touristiques et crises au Mali de 1990 à 2020 : insécurité et risque sanitaire Covid-19Constraints and Prospects of rice Production in a Climate Change Context in the Sissili Province, Burkina Faso
- Governance Mechanisms and Improving the Performance of Local Authorities: Review of the Literature
- The Impact of Mobile Technology on Consumers’ Charitable Behaviors: a Research Protocol
- Challenges for Western Balkan Countries Regional Integration: the Case of North Macedonia
- The Effectiveness of Using a Cognitive Style-based Chatbot in Developing Science Concepts and Critical Thinking Skills among Preparatory School Pupils
- Travel Motivations of Educational Tourists Arriving in Georgia
- Attitudes Constraining the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in a Ghanaian Public University: Student and Staff Perspective
- Estimating the Economic Burden of Diabetes Mellitus in Kenya: a Cost of Illness Study
- Coverage of Science, Technology, and Innovation by Major Broadcast Networks in Nigeria: an Exploratory Survey
- Rotating and Accumulating Savings and Credit Associations as Effective Tool for Enhancing the Women Entrepreneurship. A Theoretical Review
- Existing Practicies of Parent-child Communication on Sex-related Matters among Households in Ondo State, Nigeria
- Alliance Motives among Manufacturing SMES: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
- Microfinance Institutions as a Vehicle for Poverty Eradication in Developing Countries: Evidence from the East African Community Member States
- Relationship between Financial Inclusion and Monetary Policy on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panel Data Draw from a Sample of Developing Countries
- Consumer Responces to CSR in Greek Banking Sector: Does CSR Really Matter?
- The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Newsrooms in Kenya: a Multi-case Study
- Relación entre las Habilidades Blandas y la Inserción Laboral de Egresados de Ingeniería Industrial del Tecnológico de Tierra Blanca
- Identity - an Influential Factor in Modernization of Healthcare Systems in Hungary and Serbia