A technology that prevents any loss of signal or delay in transmission by accommodating various wired and wireless access environments such as 5G, Wi-Fi and others through single network has been developed. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI, Director Lee Sanghoon) made an announcement that it has developed a technology that overlaps 5G and Wi-Fi access network with KT, LANBIRD Technology, and Snet ICT. Current mobile network system is divided into various network such as 5G LTEnetwork and WiFi network. Because it takes considerable amount of time forchanging network that is being used, there have been times when videos are cut offor delayed. ETRI solved such problem by accommodating WiFi wired network with 5G mobilecore network. This method has WiFi network as part of additional access networkof 5G network. ETRI was able to effectively connect WiFi network and 5G networkby adding similar ‘signal control system’ and managed these two networks withsingle signal system and single physical equipment. A picture of researchers from ETRI checking a process of change between 5G and Wi-Fi network See URL for details : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=004&oid=030&aid=0002690872 Source : etnews