A renewed European Agenda for Research and Innovation – Europe’s chance to shape its future

"Our future cannot remain a scenario, a sketch, an idea amongst others. We have to
prepare the Union of tomorrow, today."
Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
State of the Union, Strasbourg, 13 September 2017

"Research and Innovation are crucial for our future. They are the only way to
simultaneously and sustainably tackle low economic growth, limited job creation and
global challenges such as health, and security, food and oceans, climate and energy."
European Commission's contribution to the Informal leaders' meeting on 23 February 2018

"We will allow for the necessary room for manoeuvre at the various levels to strengthen
Europe's innovation and growth potential."
Rome Declaration, Rome, 25 March 2017


유럽집행위는 2018년5월 16일 소피아에서 개최된 정상들 간의 비공개 토론을 위해 EU R&I  활성화를 위한 구체적 방안을 담은 보고서를 발표함. 본 보고서는 유럽 R&I 의 현실태를 분석하고 향후 방향을 제시하고 있음.

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