유럽의회 STOA(미래과학기술) 패널 2022 연례보고서 발간(5.26)

유럽의회의 STOA 패널(과학기술의 미래를 위한 패널)2022년도 연례보고서를 발간함

  • 연례보고서는 과학기술 평가 분야에 대한 이해와 연구를 촉진하는 유럽 의회 활동에 대한 포괄적인 설명을 제공함

※ STOA 패널은 11개 의회 위원회를 대표하는 27명의 유럽의회 의원으로 구성됨

(출판활동) STOA는 한 해 동안 인공지능 및 기타 와해성 기술, 유럽 그린딜, 삶의 질 등 3가지 우선순위 주제에 대한 연구 14건을 발표함

  1. Privacy and security aspects of 5G technology
  2. AI and digital tools in workplace management and evaluation: An assessment of the EU's legal framework
  3. Regulatory divergences in the draft AI act: Differences in public and private sector obligations
  4. Artificial intelligence in healthcare: Applications, risks, and ethical and societal impacts
  5. 'Splinternets': Addressing the renewed debate on internet fragmentation
  6. Governing data and artificial intelligence for all: Models for sustainable and just data governance
  7. Ethical and societal challenges of the approaching technological storm
  8. Auditing the quality of datasets used in algorithmic decision-making systems
  9. The Green Deal ambition: Technology, creativity and the arts for environmental sustainability
  10. How are we coping with the pandemic? Mental health and resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the EU
  11. Genome editing in humans: A survey of law, regulation and governance principles
  12. Genome-edited crops and 21st century food system challenges
  13. Fostering coherence in EU health research: Strengthening EU research for better health
  14. A reimbursement system based on a fixed lump sum - Is it the right tool for the EU Framework Programme for research?
  • 뿐만 아니라 STOA는 “What if...?” 시리즈와 “At a glance” 시리즈등 12건의 출판물과 23개 블로그 게시글, 22개의 영상 및 팟캐스트를 통해 관련 과학기술 동향에 대한 개요를 제공하여 인식제고에 기여함


(행사개최) STOA는 자체 연구와 관련된 행사를 포함하여 여러 행사를 조직하였음

  1. Quantum and chips: Developing European industrial capabilities in quantum technologies
  2. Towards full digital language equality in a multilingual European Union
  3. Artificial intelligence public perspectives
  4. New European Bauhaus: The way forward
  5. Ethical issues in the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of digital health applications
  6. The use of animals for scientific research in Europe
  7. Creation of a public EU pharma R&D infrastructure
  8. How to provide enforceable protection for academic freedom at EU level?
  9. The future of RNA based technology


SOURCE : European Parliament

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