유럽과학저널(ESJ) 5월호

유럽과학저널(ESJ)는 지난 5월 31일 'European Scientific Journal(유럽과학학술지)' 5월호를 발간하였다. 이번 호는 자연/생명/의학, 인문학, 사회과학 세 분야에 걸쳐 총 30개의 연구결과를 담고있다.


    1. Etude de l’impact de la dynamique de l’occupation du sol sur les ressources naturelles dans le sous-bassin de l’Okpara à Nano au Nord Bénin
    2. Typologie Des Gites Larvaires Et Sensibilite D’anopheles Gambiae S.L. Aux Insecticides En Zone Urbaine, Peri-Urbaine Et Rurale A Oyem (Nord Du Gabon)
    3. Etude Floristique Et Structurale D’une Forêt Mixte À l’Ile M’bamou, République Du Congo
    4. Traitement Des Fractures Thalamiques Du Calcanéus Par Enclouage Verrouillé À Foyer Fermé « Type Calcanail » : Résultats Clinique, Fonctionnel Et Radiologique À Propos De 16 Cas Au Centre Hospitalier De La Côte Basque (France)
    5. Low-Level Laser Therapy At The Healing Process Of Grade I And II Ulcers In Patients With Diabetic Foot
    6. Fillings And Late Holocene Palaeoenvironments Of The Palustrine Depressions Of The Lopé National Park, Middle Ogooué Valley In Gabon
    7. Controle Des Maladies De La Tomate (Solanum Lycopercicum L.) En Culture Avec Trois Extraits De Plantes A Daloa (Cote D’ivoire)
    8. Increasing Frequency of Parkinsonian Syndrome as a Reason for Admission to the Neurology Department of Befelatanana University Teaching Hospital, Madagascar
    9. Factores Pronósticos De La Saturación De Oxígeno En Pacientes Con COVID-19 Atendidos En Cuidados Intensivos En Un Hospital De México
    10. Analyse des pratiques de production et qualité des poissons fumés commercialisés au sud-Bénin
    11. Evaluation De L’abondance Et La Distribution Du Bonobo (Pan Paniscus) Dans La Concession Forestière Des Communautés Locales De La Rivière Mbali
    12. Capacidad Antimicrobiana de Cinco Aceites Esenciales de Plantas Aromáticas en Escárcega, Campeche, México
    13. Evaluation Of Machine Learning Classification Methods For Rice Detection Using Earth Observation Data: Case Of Senegal
    14. Comparison of Physical Properties between Grey and Dyed Knitted Fabric
    1. Italian Society and Gender Role Stereotypes. How Stereotypical Beliefs Concerning Males and Females are Still Present in Italian People at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
    2. The Violation of Human Rights in Latin America Derived from the Covid-19 Pandemic Administration
    3. A Global Perspective on the Role of Faith and Spirituality in a Post-COVID-19 National and Community Recovery: The Nigeria Case of the Pandemic
    4. Challenges of the 21st Century in European Continent: Terrorism and Migration
    5. Developing EFL Learners’ Pragmatic Competence through a Blended Learning Model: A Quasi-Experimental Study
    6. Modern and Contemporary Architecture Between Western and Arab Countries: A Review of Derivative Synonyms
    1. Impact of Cashew Nut Trade Policy on Household and Government Revenues in Senegal: A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model Analysis
    2. Energy Market Investment Methodologies
    3. Fisher Equation and Modigliani-Cohn Hypothesis in the Financial Markets
    4. Effect of Trade Openness on Productivity in Cote d’Ivoire
    5. Online Shopping: A Survey on Consumer Buying Behavior in Bangladesh
    6. Profit Persistence: is There A Conglomerate Effect? The Case of Banking and Insurance in Morocco
    7. Household Heads Characteristics and Access to Water in Kenya
    8. Evaluation de l’Etat de la Gestion des Excrétas dans la Ville de Bukavu en République Démocratique du Congo : Cas de la Commune de Kadutu
    9. Public Policies and Sustainability of Industrial Growth in Pakistan


ESJ는 오픈액세스(Open-Access) 학술지로 동료평가된 논문을 영어, 스페인어, 프랑스어로 매월 출간한다. 학술지는 다음과 같은 세 개의 부분으로 구성되어있다.

ESJ Natural/Life/Medical Sciences

  • Astronomy
  • Agriculture
  • Management
  • Biology, medicine, life sciences
  • Chemistry, physics, and mathematics

ESJ Humanities

  • Anthropology and archeology
  • Linguistics, literature, classics, and history
  • Law and politics
  • Geography
  • Philosophy, religion
  • Performing arts, visual arts, gender studies

ESJ Social Sciences

  • Communication studies
  • Economics and econometrics
  • Management
  • Education, psychology, and sociology
  • Marketing, business, business administration, and management



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